Emergency Response Planning

Emergency Response Planning

No matter how safe aviation is and no matter how well thought out the processes in your organization are, emergencies of different kinds can always happen. So instead of thinking „This won’t happen to us“, you should be able to say „Whatever happens, we can handle it.“ To ensure safety, it is best to be well-prepared and equipped for a wide range of scenarios and be able to respond appropriately to any emergency.

An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is a documentation of actions to be performed by staff in charge in case of an emergency during a flight or at the airport. With an ERP, an organization in aviation such as an airline or airport can delegate tasks, responsibilities and authority, which is vital to ensure safety on a normal day-to-day basis and in case of an emergency. It avoids chaos by coordinating necessary measures to transform emergency operations to normal operations as soon as possible.

As an aviation organization, it is your responsibility to develop an Emergency Response Plan that will allow your staff to return to safety and normal operations in any possible scenario and protect your customers and employees. Having an ERP to follow in case of an emergency will not only safe lives, but also your reputation. With an ERP, your organization is well prepared for quality audits and prove due diligence to stakeholders and potential buyers.

International standards (Annex 6 of ICAO) specify requirements for a Safety Management System and an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The compliance date for ICAO member states to begin implementation of these standards was november 2010. 

In addition to emergency response planning, there are many other activities that you as an airline operator should consider and implement. We help you with implementation support in the field of aviation.
Professional advice and implementation
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The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) needs to:

  • Define and describe the delegation of tasks, responsibilities and measures to be performed by staff in charge and key personnel
  • Be adequate for the nature and complexity of the emergency operation
  • Be distributed and communicated to all staff
  • Be available for responsible staff and key personnel at all times
  • Be tested for its effectiveness
  • Be continually adapted and improved

Do you already meet these standards?
The implementation of an Emergency Response Plan can be challenging, especially since you already have to run your aviation business at the same time. So why not delegate it to experts?

At Asgard Aviation, we develop an Emergency Response Plan for your organization based on the individual requirements. We implement the ERP at your facilities and train your staff to make them familiar with the measures and operations in the ERP. You will receive your individual Emergency Response Plan as a Microsoft Word File, which allows you to adapt the ERP if necessary.

Overview of the packages we provide on a fixed price basis:

  • Analysis of your organization and requirements to develop an ERP
  • Development of your individual Emergency Response Plan
  • Training and implementation of the ERP at your facilities (1 day)
  • Final product will be provided as Microsoft Word File for your future change requirements
  • Mobile ERP kits and can be produced on your request.
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