Asgard Aviation – 
Serving your Future Aviation Needs


Effectively and efficiently follow processes according to international standards. Specialized in business aviation operations in many countries

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Implementation Support

Asgard Aviation provides complete support for IS-BAO (Progressive Stage 1 implementation), AOC application support, part NCC implementation support.

Emergency Response Planning

Do you already meet emergency planning standards? Asgard Aviation supports you with analysis, development, implementation and training.

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Interims Management

Competent and experienced interim aviation managers such as security officers, flight operations managers, airport managers, and more.

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Your Partner for IS-BAO & EASA Auditing 

we help you with the most important certification as an operator in aviation, the IS-BAO audits, the International Safety Standard for Business Aircraft. For European business aviation companies the EASA Complience Audits are mandatory, we help with training, testing monitoring and more.

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Implementation Support

Aviation requires many different standards and regulations from different organizations. All of them must be monitored and complied with. Save staff and resources. Asgard Aviation takes care of the implementation with experts. Learn more and contact us.

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Membership & certified

Your Partner for Emergency Response Planning

Notfallplan (ERP)- Die Dokumentation der Maßnahmen, die das zuständige Personal während eines Notalls im Flugzeug durchzuführen hat. Für jede Luftfahrtunternhemer pflicht, wir unterstützen, entwickeln, , implementieren und schulen für Ihr Unternehmen, für einen reibungslosen Ablauf.

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Interims Management

Good, trained personnel are an ever-increasing shortage. We help you absorb peaks in the aviation industry with flight operations managers, safety officers, compliance managers (OPS, CAMO), quality managers and more. Find qualified employees without the pressure. Contact us.

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How can we help you?

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